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colour grading for home movies

Digital Remastering (Grading)

Digital Remastering (DRM) or grading is the process of taking an analogue image, in this case, cine film, and attempting to correct the colour problems that can arise with age, poor processing, poor storage, poor camera setup etc to gain the best possible image.

Cine films especially are vulnerable to colour changes with age. The emulsion (the bit of the film that actually has the picture) is made up of different types of dyes. These dyes can fade at different rates over time. On some films such as Kodak Kodachrome, this is less likely to happen but in most cases, there will be some benefit from a DRM pass. Some other types of film can suffer significantly more than Kodachrome, films such as Ilford and some foreign makes are particularly susceptible. In addition, the incorrect use of filters or the incorrect selection of film type when originally shot can make a huge difference

What do Timeless Moments Offer?

We carry out standard digital remastering on all film transfers and it's included in the price. This includes a white-balance pass to ensure more natural colours. Exposure pass to bring out dark backgrounds, colour grading to ensure the vividness of the images and a contrast pass to improve image definition.












Proteus Artificial Intelligence Remastering (15p per foot cine and £15 per hour tapes)

New for this year is the addition of our Proteus AI remastering process. 

Using a database of millions of images the artificial intelligence program

compares the images from your film and where data is missing it rebuilds

the image using standardised parameters. The results are startlingly good

and can be used to improve almost all types of footage. To the right are just

a few of the parameters that are adjusted individually for each film to ensure 

the perfect image. Below are some before and after shots of this process and finally some of the

Proteus remastered footage for you to view.


colour grading for home movies
Cine film remastering from Timeless Moments Ltd

This logo image is for illustrative purposes only

Cine film remastering

Proteus AI Ultimate (Cine only)

All the benefits of Proteus AI Remastering but also includes Proteus 60FPS (60 frames per second). Cine film is captured at between 16 and 18 frames per second. Standard editing packages then output that file at 25 FPS, however, they don't actually fill in the missing frames. This option adds the missing frames and increases the framerate to 60 FPS. The result is a much more fluid and natural-looking image, especially when there are moving objects in the image. 


NOTE: We will only agree to apply Proteus remastering to footage that is suitable for the process, footage that we think on testing provides value for money. If you order this process and we don't think your footage is good enough we will advise you not to proceed.Also note that if your display (TV/Monitor) has less than 60Hz refresh rate you will not see the benefits of 60FPS, but you will when you upgrade in the future. 


Proteus films are included on a new USB drive and presented in a storage case. The USB Flash drive is sized to suit your project. Larger projects may be presented on a portable SSD drive if required.

Click image to see more

Proteus Ultimate AI Remastering Example

Video 1 - Straight off the telecine, no remastering.

Video 3 - Proteus AI Ultimate at 60 FPS 

VHS high noise removal, sharpening and upscale to FHD

Remastering footage at Timeless Moments
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